Certo: The UK’s Favourite Brand of Liquid Pectin

Certo has been the go-to brand for liquid pectin in the UK since 1929. This enduring popularity stems from the brand’s commitment to quality and consistency, making it the product of choice for many home-made …

Certo has been the go-to brand for liquid pectin in the UK since 1929. This enduring popularity stems from the brand’s commitment to quality and consistency, making it the product of choice for many home-made jam enthusiasts. In this comprehensive overview, we will explore Certo’s rich history, the science behind pectin, the benefits of using liquid pectin in jam-making, and why Certo stands out in the market.

History of Certo

Establishment and Early Years

Certo was established in 1929, a time when home canning and preserving were essential parts of daily life. The brand quickly gained a reputation for providing a reliable and high-quality product that made the process of jam-making easier and more successful. The introduction of Certo liquid pectin revolutionized home preservation by offering a consistent and efficient way to achieve perfect jams and jellies.

Growth and Development

Over the decades, Certo has grown from a small, niche brand into a household name. The brand’s success can be attributed to its unwavering commitment to quality and innovation. Certo has continually adapted to changes in consumer preferences and advancements in food science, ensuring that its products remain relevant and effective.

Modern Era

Today, Certo remains a trusted name in the UK and beyond. The brand’s liquid pectin is used by both amateur and professional cooks who appreciate the reliability and convenience it offers. Certo has also expanded its product range to include variations that cater to different dietary needs and preferences, further cementing its position as a leader in the market.

The Science of Pectin

What is Pectin?

Pectin is a naturally occurring polysaccharide found in the cell walls of fruits and vegetables. It is responsible for the structural integrity of plant tissues. In the context of food, pectin is used as a gelling agent, particularly in the making of jams and jellies.

How Pectin Works

When combined with sugar and acid, pectin forms a gel. This gelation process is what allows fruit preserves to set and achieve the desired consistency. The science behind this involves the formation of a network of pectin molecules that trap water and fruit particles, creating a semi-solid structure.

Types of Pectin

There are different types of pectin, primarily categorized as high-methoxyl (HM) and low-methoxyl (LM) pectin. HM pectin requires a higher amount of sugar and acidic conditions to gel, while LM pectin can gel in the presence of calcium ions and requires less sugar. Certo liquid pectin is an HM pectin, which is ideal for traditional jam recipes that rely on the balance of sugar and acid for setting.

Benefits of Using Liquid Pectin

Consistency and Reliability

One of the main advantages of using Certo liquid pectin is the consistency it provides. Unlike powdered pectin, which can sometimes clump or not dissolve properly, liquid pectin blends seamlessly with fruit mixtures. This ensures an even distribution of pectin, leading to a uniform set in the final product.


Liquid pectin is also incredibly convenient to use. It eliminates the need for pre-mixing or dissolving, saving time and reducing the risk of errors in the jam-making process. This convenience is particularly appreciated by home cooks who may be making large batches of jam or trying new recipes.


Certo liquid pectin is versatile and can be used with a wide variety of fruits. Whether you are making classic strawberry jam, experimenting with exotic fruit preserves, or creating savory chutneys, Certo provides the gelling power needed to achieve the perfect consistency.

Health Benefits

Using liquid pectin can also contribute to the healthiness of homemade jams. Certo’s liquid pectin allows for the use of natural fruit sugars and lower overall sugar content compared to commercial jams, which often contain high-fructose corn syrup and other additives. This makes homemade jams a healthier option for those looking to control their sugar intake.

Why Certo Stands Out

Quality Assurance

Certo’s commitment to quality is evident in every bottle of liquid pectin. The brand adheres to stringent quality control measures to ensure that each batch meets the highest standards. This dedication to quality has earned Certo a loyal customer base who trust the brand for their jam-making needs.

Customer Trust and Loyalty

Certo has built a strong relationship with its customers over the years. The brand’s long-standing presence in the market and its consistent delivery of high-quality products have fostered a sense of trust and loyalty. Many home cooks and professional chefs alike rely on Certo for their preserving projects, confident in the knowledge that they are using a product that will deliver reliable results.

Innovation and Adaptability

Despite its long history, Certo is not a brand that rests on its laurels. The company continually seeks to innovate and adapt to changing market trends and consumer needs. This includes developing new products and formulations that cater to dietary restrictions, such as low-sugar and sugar-free options, as well as organic and non-GMO versions.

Environmental Responsibility

Certo is also committed to environmental sustainability. The brand sources its pectin from citrus peels, which are a byproduct of the juice industry. This not only ensures a high-quality raw material but also contributes to waste reduction and sustainable practices.

How to Use Certo Liquid Pectin

Basic Jam Recipe

Using Certo liquid pectin in jam-making is straightforward. Here is a basic recipe to get started:


  • 1 kg of fruit (e.g., strawberries, raspberries, or blackberries)
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar
  • 1 bottle of Certo liquid pectin
  • Juice of 1 lemon


  1. Prepare the Fruit: Wash and hull the fruit. Crush the fruit in a large saucepan.
  2. Mix with Sugar: Add the granulated sugar to the fruit and mix well. Let it sit for about 10 minutes.
  3. Cook the Mixture: Place the saucepan over medium heat and bring the fruit and sugar mixture to a boil, stirring constantly.
  4. Add Certo: Once the mixture reaches a full rolling boil, add the Certo liquid pectin and lemon juice.
  5. Boil Again: Return the mixture to a boil and cook for 1-2 minutes, continuing to stir.
  6. Test for Setting: To test if the jam is ready, place a small amount on a chilled plate and push it with your finger. If it wrinkles, it’s ready.
  7. Jar the Jam: Remove from heat and skim off any foam. Pour the hot jam into sterilized jars, leaving some headspace. Seal immediately.
  8. Cool and Store: Let the jars cool completely before storing them in a cool, dark place.

Tips for Success

  • Fruit Quality: Use fresh, ripe fruit for the best flavor and consistency.
  • Sterilization: Ensure that jars and lids are properly sterilized to prevent contamination.
  • Pectin Measurement: Follow the recommended amount of Certo liquid pectin precisely to ensure proper setting.

Certo’s Role in the Homemade Jam Movement

Resurgence of Home Canning

In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in home canning and preserving. This trend is driven by a desire for healthier, more natural foods, as well as a growing interest in traditional culinary arts. Certo has played a significant role in this movement by providing home canners with a reliable and effective product.

Supporting Local and Seasonal Eating

Using Certo liquid pectin to make homemade jam supports the trend of local and seasonal eating. By preserving fruits when they are in season, individuals can enjoy the flavors of summer all year round. This practice also reduces food waste and supports local farmers.

Educational Initiatives

Certo is also involved in educational initiatives that promote home canning and preserving. The brand offers recipes, tips, and tutorials to help both beginners and experienced preservers achieve success. These resources are available on the Certo website and through various community programs.

Comparing Certo to Other Brands

Liquid vs. Powdered Pectin

While there are several types of pectin available on the market, liquid pectin, such as Certo, offers distinct advantages over powdered varieties. Liquid pectin is easier to use, dissolves more uniformly, and generally produces a more consistent set. Powdered pectin, on the other hand, requires precise timing and additional steps to dissolve properly.

Brand Reputation

Certo stands out in the market due to its long history and established reputation. Many other brands offer pectin products, but few can match the trust and loyalty that Certo has earned over nearly a century. This reputation is built on a foundation of quality and reliability that other brands strive to emulate.

Availability and Accessibility

Certo is widely available in supermarkets and online, making it easily accessible to consumers. Its presence in major retailers and online platforms ensures that home canners can readily obtain the product when needed. This widespread availability is another factor that contributes to Certo’s popularity.

The Future of Certo

Continued Innovation

As Certo looks to the future, continued innovation will be key to maintaining its leadership position in the market. This includes developing new formulations that cater to emerging dietary trends, such as low-sugar and sugar-free options, as well as exploring new applications for pectin beyond traditional jams and jellies.

Expanding Market Reach

Certo also has the potential to expand its market reach internationally. While it is already a beloved brand in the UK, there are opportunities to introduce Certo liquid pectin to new markets where home canning and preserving are gaining popularity.

Sustainability Initiatives

Sustainability will continue to be a focus for Certo. The brand is committed to environmentally responsible practices, from sourcing raw


Certo remains the UK’s trusted liquid pectin, renowned for its quality, consistency, and innovation in the homemade jam-making tradition.

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